Registration to the conference


REGISTRATION FEES aCOST PER PERSON b (updated after 10th July)
Full (Professors, Assistant Professors, Researchers) -SCI memberc€530 € 636
Reduced (Postdocs) – SCI memberc€290 € 348
Reduced (Master and PhD students) – SCI memberc€270 € 324
One-day participation – SCI memberc€210 € 252
Full (Professors, Assistant Professors, Researchers) – non SCI member€700 840
Reduced (Postdocs) – non SCI member€440 528
Reduced (Master and PhD students) – non SCI member€370 444
One-day participation – non SCI member€260 312
Emeritus/Retired participant€350 420
Accompanying persond€270 324
a it includes catering service for the duration of GEI2023, the participation in the cultural event and social dinner. It is applied the same fee for registrants that are either presenting authors or attending auditors.

b fees are increased by 20% if the corresponding registration cost is paid after 10th July 2023.

c the reduced fees are applied to SCI members.

d Social dinner is not included (at the additional cost of 60 €).


Method of payment of the registration fee: Bank transfer

Please, address the money transfer to:

IBAN: IT28J0306909606100000131823

Bank: Intesa San Paolo SPA (03069)


Name of account holder: Società Chimica Italiana – Divisione di Elettrochimica

The bank transfer must include the following information: yourname_GEI2023


Registration must be completed by sending an email to and

The email must include:

  • name,
  • postal address,
  • affiliation,
  • position (full, PhD, etc.),
  • SCI membership card number.

Master students and PhD must provide a proof of status, i.e. either a copy of a valid 2022-2023 student ID card or an official letter from the educational institution.